Thursday 24 February 2011

4 months now

I have now been in Kadugli for over 4 months. It seems a lot longer although there are days when time passes oh-so-slowly and days when you just asked what happened to time. But time is time and I don't want to sit complaining about it. 

In the 4 months that I have been here, I have learned a lot, made some very cool friends, developed a crush and definitely learned to live with myself. Learning to live with yourself part is influenced partly by a book I have been reading - 'On Solitude' by Michel de Montaigne. Perhaps one of his famous line is, 'We must reserve a back shop all our own, entirely free, in which to establish our real liberty and our principal retreat and solitude.' 

On the other aspects of life in the 'doog, I have certainly become accustomed to a routine life. I go to work, eat at the same place everyday, the same chicken leg with rice and ful, the same faces I see and beginning to enjoy and love, the same conversations and stories over and over again. Sometimes it tires me hearing folks complain about how mundane life is here (obviously it is - then again what were you expecting?) and how people love talking about work so much, which leaves me to often question how much is one's life defined by work. It's like if I take work away from you, would your personality simply ceased to exist? Hmm. Quite funny I think. 

Hiking on the Nuba Mountains, Feb 2011

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